Publications at the Institute of Technical Thermodynamics



Publications (in peer reviewed journals)

Dinesh Singh, Javid Safarov, Thorsten Windmann, Karsten Müller and Jadran Vrabec, “Isobaric heat capacity of liquid polyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers (OMEx) under ambient pressure”, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2025, 202, 107412




Publications (in peer reviewed journals)

Fabian Siegert, Michael Gundermann, Lukas Maurer, Simon Hahn, Jonas Hofmann, Max Distel, Johannes Schühle, Karsten Müller, Moritz Wolf, Patrick Preuster, Franziska Auer, Michael Geißelbrecht, Peter Wasserscheid, “Autothermal Hydrogen Release from Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier Systems”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 91, 834-842

Marco Moehrle, Christoph Krieger, Karsten Müller, „Investigation of the influence of POE oil on heat transfer to R134a and R1234ze(E) at enhanced tubes for pool boiling”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 230, 128776

Arina V. Elbakari, Sergey V. Vostrikov, Riko Siewert, Karsten Müller, Sergey P. Verevkin, “Biosynthetic fuels: a marriage of renewable resources and chemical thermodynamics”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 84, 848-862

Sergey Vostrikov, Karsten Müller, Sergey Verevkin, „Hydrogenation of terpenols into sustainable biofuel additives: “virtual” vs “real” hydrogen”, Energy & Fuels, 2024, 38, 15, 14365-14374

Volkan Turan, Jonas Massa, Dzmitry Zaitsau, Aditi Prabhune, Ranjan Dey, Karsten Müller, Peter Sponholz, „Density and speed of sound measurements of aqueous solutions of potassium formate, potassium bicarbonate and their mixtures”, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2024, 409, 125437

Ba L. Tran, Mark E. Bowden, Tom Autrey, Mi Yeon Byun, Karsten Müller, “Roles of Solvent in the Catalytic Hydrogen Release from Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers: Chemical, Thermodynamical and Technological Aspects”, Topic in Catalysis, 2024, 67, 892-899

Artemiy A. Samarov, Karsten Müller, Peter Wasserscheid, Sergey P. Verevkin, “Thermodynamics of reversible hydrogen storage: are methoxy substituted aromatics better through oxygen functionality?”, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2024, 47, 4 ,739-745

Marco Bonanno, Karsten Müller, Boris Bensmann, Richard Hanke-Rauschenbach, David Aili, Tanja Franken, Andreas Chromik, Retha Peach, Anna T.S. Freiberg, Simon Thiele “Review and Prospects of PEM Water Electrolysis at Elevated Temperature Operation”, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2024, 9, 2, 2300281

Moritz Müller, Marcel Pfeifer, Dorian Holtz and Karsten Müller, “Comparison of green ammonia and green hydrogen pathways in terms of energy efficiency”, Fuel, 2024, 357, 129843




Publications (in peer reviewed journals)

In Seop Lim, Yoonseong Jeong, Yeonsu Kwak, Eui-Rim On, Quan Nguyen Dao, Hyangsoo Jeong, Hyuntae Sohn, Suk Woo Nam, Tae-Hoon Lim, Karsten Müller, Yongmin Kim, “Maximizing clean hydrogen release from perhydro-benzyltoluene: Energy-efficient scale-up strategies and techno-economic analyses”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 478, 147296

Alexander Dottei, Dorian Holtz, Karsten Müller, „Numerical investigation of sewage sludge combustion in a fluidized bed reactor: A comparison of 2D and 3D simulations”, Powder Technology, 2023, 428, 118834

Niklas Gerloff, “Economic analysis of synthetic natural gas production in Germany, considering different Power-to-Methane plants", ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2023, 11, 20, 7775–7786

Raphael Wittenburg, Conrad Gierow, Rasmus Pötke, Karsten Müller, Dorian Holtz, „Transition of district heating from fossil to renewable energies – pathways analysed by dynamic simulation”, Renewable Energy Focus, 2023, 45, 271-286

Niklas Gerloff, „Economic analysis of hydrogen production in Germany with a focus on green hydrogen, considering all three major water electrolysis technologies“, Journal Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2023, 7, 1893-1907

Dina Zakgeym, Jonas Hofmann, Lukas Maurer, Franziska Auer, Karsten Müller, Moritz Wolf Peter Wasserscheid, „Better Through Oxygen Functionality? The Benzophenone/Dicyclohexylmethanol LOHC-System“, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2023, 7, 1213-1222

Sergey V. Vostrikov; Maria E. Konnova; Vladimir V. Turovtzev; Karsten Müller; Sergey P. Verevkin, „Thermodynamics of hydrogen storage: Equilibrium study of the LOHC system indole/octahydroindole”, Fuel, 2023, 335, 127025

Sergey Vladimirovich Vostrikov, Maria E. Konnova, Vladimir V. Turovtsev, Karsten Müller, Jason Edward Bara, Sergey P. Verevkin, „Thermodynamics of hydrogen storage: equilibrium study of LOHC system 1-methylindole/octahydro-1-methylindole“, AppliedChem, 2023, 3, 1, 45-62

Sergey P. Verevkin, Artemiy` A. Samarov, Vladimir V. Turovtsev, Sergey Vladimirovich Vostrikov, Peter Wasserscheid, Karsten Müller, „Thermodynamics of chemical hydrogen storage: are sterically hindered and overcrowded molecules more effective?”, Applied Sciences, 2023, 13, 2, 953

Sergey P. Verevkin, Artemiy A. Samarov, Sergey Vladimirovich Vostrikov, Peter Wasserscheid, Karsten Müller, „Comprehensive thermodynamic study of alkyl-cyclohexanes as Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers motifs“, Hydrogen, 2023, 4, 1, 42-59




Publications (in peer reviewed journals)

Chirag Mevawala, Tom Autrey, Kriston Brooks, Mark Bowden; Ba Tran, Karsten Müller, „1,4-Butanediol as a hydrogen carrier: Liquid vs. gas phase dehydrogenation“, Energy & Fuels, 2022, 37, 1, 560-566

Emin Açikkalp, Ana I. Palmero-Marrero, Karsten Müller, “Coupling gasification with LOHC storage: Aspects of dynamization of biomass-based power production”, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2022, 46, 2, 398-402

Sergey P. Verevkin, Sergey V. Vostrikov, Anatol Leinweber, Peter Wasserscheid, Karsten Müller, „Thermochemical properties of benzyltoluenes and their hydro- and perhydro-derivatives as key components of a liquid organic hydrogen carrier system”, Fuel, 2022, 335, 126618

Chirag Mevawala, Kriston Brooks, Mark E. Bowden, Hanna M. Breunig, Ba L. Tran, Oliver Y. Gutiérrez, Tom Autrey, Karsten Müller, „The ethanol - ethyl acetate system as a biogenic hydrogen carrier“, Energy Technology, 2022, DOI: 10.1002/ente.202200892

Sergey P. Safronov; Sergey V. Vostrikov; Artemiy A. Samarov; Peter Wasserscheid; Karsten Müller; Sergey P. Verevkin, „Comprehensive thermodynamic study of substituted indoles/perhydro indoles as potential Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier system”, Fuel, 2022, 331, 2, 125764

Karsten Müller, „Acceptorless dehydrogenation of amines to nitriles for hydrogen storage: Reality or wishful thinking?”, Energy Technology, 2022, 10, 9, 2200468

Stanislav O. Kondratev, Dzmitry H. Zaitsau, Sergey V. Vostrikov, Shao Li, Andreas Bösmann, Peter Wasserscheid, Karsten Müller, Sergey P. Verevkin, „Thermochemical properties of 6,7-benzindole and its perhydrogenated derivative: A model component for liquid organic hydrogen carriers”, Fuel, 2022, 324, 124410

Dina Zakgeym, Timo Engl, Yazan Mahayni, Karsten Müller, Moritz Wolf, Peter Wasserscheid, “Development of an efficient Pt/SiO2 catalyst for the transfer hydrogenation from perhydro-dibenzyltoluene to acetone”, Applied Catalysis A: General, 2022, 639, 118644

Alhadid; A., Safarov, J., Mokrushina, L., Müller, K., Minceva, M. Carbon Dioxide Solubility in Nonionic Deep Eutectic Solvents Containing Phenolic Alcohols, Frontiers in Chemistry, section Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 2022, 3, 10, 864663.

Müller, K., “Effect of the Reliability on the Success of Hydrogen Technologies”, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2022, 44, 2, 385-388

Safarov, J., Tuma, D., Müller, K. Thermophysical properties of the paramagnetic ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrachloroferrate over an extended range of temperature and pressure, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022, 346, 117939.



Karsten Müller, „Thermodynamik ohne Formeln“, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Spektrum, 2022, ISBN 978-3-662-65780-5

Karsten Müller, “Chemie und Science Fiction - Was wir von der Zukunft lernen können”, Springer Spektrum (Berlin, Heidelberg), 2022, ISBN: 978-3-662-64384-6


Conference Contributions (selection)

Müller, K., "Hydrogen energy: Expectations and Reality", CeMarET Energietechnisches Kolloquium, Rostock, 2022




Publications (in peer reviewed journals)

Stefan Dürr, S. Zilm, Michael Geißelbrecht, Karsten Müller, Patrick Preuster, Andreas Bösmann, Peter Wasserscheid, „Experimental determination of the hydrogenation/dehydrogenation - Equilibrium of the LOHC system H0/H18-dibenzyltoluene“, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46, 64, 32583-32594

Matthew Brodt, Karsten Müller, Jochen Kerres, Ioannis Katsounaros, Karl Mayrhofer, Patrick Preuster, Peter Wasserscheid, Simon Thiele, „The 2-Propanol Fuel Cell: A Review from the Perspective of a Hydrogen Energy Economy”, Energy Technology, 2021,

Lukas Popp, Karsten Müller, „Technical reliability of shipboard technologies for the application of alternative fuels“, Energy, Sustainability and Society, 2021,

Karsten Müller, Tanja Skeledzic, Peter Wasserscheid, „Strategies for low temperature Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier dehydrogenation“, Energy & Fuels, 2021, 35, 13, 10929‑10936,

Jens Hinrich Prause, Jan Koltermann, Sebastian Meinke, Dorian Holtz, Egon Hassel, "Evaluation of the effects of a load shedding at a lignite power plant", Energy Science & Engineering, 2021,

Marco Bonanno, Karsten Müller, Boris Bensmann, Richard Hanke-Rauschenbach, Retha Peach, Simon Thiele, „Evaluation of the Efficiency of an Elevated Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis System”, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2021,

Stephan Mrusek, Patrick Preuster, Karsten Müller, Andreas Bösmann, Peter Wasserscheid, „Pressurized Hydrogen from Charged Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier Systems by Electrochemical Hydrogen Compression”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46, 15624-15634,

Daniel Weishaupt, Karsten Müller, „Reliability of Thermal Energy Storage Technologies“, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 2021, 93, 4, 580-584,

Safarov, J., Abdullayeva, G., Bashirov, M., Tuma, D., Bashirov, R. The ionic li­quid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium methanesulfonate revisited: Solubility of carbon dioxide over an extended range of temperature and pressure, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2021, 333, 115920.

Safarov, J., Nachhu, P., Hassel, E., Müller, K. Thermophysical properties of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium dicyanamide in a wide range of temperatures and pressures, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2021, 332, 115552.


Conference Papers (indexed in Scopus)

Wittenburg, R., Hübel, M., Holtz, D., & Müller, K. (2021, July). Transient Exergy Analysis of the Dynamic Operation of a Combined Cycle Power Plant. In ASME Power Conference 2021 (Vol. 85109). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.


Other Publications 

Safarov, J. Thermophysical properties of alcohol and Diesel fuel blends, Vesti Gazovoy Nauki, 2021, 4, in press.

Safarov, J. Phase stability of ethanol and diesel fuel blends, Journal of Processes of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining 2021, 4, 433-440.

Safarov, J. Equation of state for liquids and its mixtures at high pressures, wide range of temperature and concentration, Transactions of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Series of Physical-mathematical and Technical Sciences 2021, 5, 84-92.

Safarov, J. Dielectric constant of methanol over a wide range of temperatures and at high pressures, Advanced Physical Research 2021, 3, 2, 75-83.

Safarov, J., Ashurova, U. Alcohols as an Additive to Diesel Fuel, Sustainable Development, Scientific Journal of Mingachevir State University 2021, 2, 127-129.

Safarov, J. Review of exiting group contribution methods for predicting of the (p,ρ,t) data of even alkyl chains (C2, C4, C6, C8) imidazolium ionic liquids with [NTf2] anion, Journal of Processes of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining 2021, 22, 185-194.  

Ashurova, U., Safarov, J. Thermophysical properties of 1-Propanol and Diesel fuel blends: I. Viscosity over wide range of temperature, Vesti Gazovoy Nauki, 2021, 1(46), 157-164.


Conference Contributions

Dottei, A., Holtz, D., Gierenz, N., Müller, K., “Multiphysikalische CFD-Simulation zur Optimierung der Klärschlammverbrennung in stationären Wirbelschichten und zur Optimierung des Designs”, In: Prof. Dr. Michael Nelles (Hrsg.): 15. Rostocker Bioenergieforum, Universität Rostock, Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Rostock, ISBN 978-3-86009-524-9, 2021.

Dottei, A., Holtz, D., Gierenz, N., Müller, K., „3D-CFD Analyse der thermischen Klärschlammverwertung in dezentralen Wirbelschichtanlagen”, In:  Beckmann, M., Hurtado, A. (Hrsg.): Kraftwerkstechnik 2021, SAXONIA Standortentwicklungs- und -verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Freiberg, ISBN 978-3-949169-01-4, 2021.

Wittenburg R., Müller K., Holtz D., Hübel M. Exergieanalyse des transienten Betriebsverhaltens eines GuD-Heizkraftwerks. In:  Beckmann, M., Hurtado, A. (Hrsg.). Kraftwerkstechnik 2021, SAXONIA Standortentwicklungs- und -verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Freiberg, 2021

Mirzaliyev, A., Safarov, J., Tuma, D., Bashirov, R. Density and speed of sound of North Atlantic Seawater International Thermal Physics School, “Information sensory systems in thermophysical studies”, ISBN: 978-5-8265-1958-5, p.97-98, 19–21 October 2021, Tambov, Russian Federation.

Guluzade, A., Safarov, J. Density of 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoro­methanesul­fo­nate and methanol binary mixtures, International Thermal Physics School, “Information sensory systems in thermophysical studies”, ISBN: 978-5-8265-1958-5, p.212-217, 19–21 October 2021, Tambov, Russian Federation.

Safarov, J., Müller, K. Thermophysical properties of OMEx mixtures, Thermodynamik-Kolloquium 2021, p.95, 27-29 September 2021, Chemnitz, Germany,

Safarov, J., Guluzade, A., Müller, K. Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers: Thermophysical Properties of Dibenzyl toluene and Perhydro Dibenzyl toluene, Thermodynamik-Kolloquium 2021, p.84, 27-29 September 2021, Chemnitz, Germany,

Hamidova, R., Safarov, J. Carbon dioxide solubility in ionic liquids, 10th Rosto­cker International Conference: “Thermophysical Properties for Technical Thermodynamics”, THERMAM 2021, ISBN: 978-3-941554-24-5, p.105, 09-10 September 2021, Rostock, Germany.

Guluzade, A., Aliyev, A., Safarov, J., Müller, K. Density of ionic liquids at high pressures and wide range of temperatures, 10th Rosto­cker International Conference: “Thermophysical Properties for Technical Thermodynamics”, THERMAM 2021, ISBN: 978-3-941554-24-5, p.103, 09-10 September 2021, Rostock, Germany.

Babayeva, S., Gadirova, G., Safarov, J. Thermophysical and chemical properties of geothermal and mineral waters of Azerbaijan, 10th Rosto­cker International Conference: “Thermophysical Properties for Technical Thermodynamics”, THERMAM 2021, ISBN: 978-3-941554-24-5, p.85, 09-10 September 2021, Rostock, Germany.

Abdullayeva, G., Suleymanli, Kh., Safarov, J., Bashirov, M., Tuma, D., Bashirov, R. Thermophysical properties of {[xCO2 + (1-x)[EMIM][CH3SO3]} and {[xCO2 + (1-x)[BMIM][PF6]} at high pressures and wide range of temperatures, 10th Rosto­cker International Conference: “Thermophysical Properties for Technical Thermodynamics”, THERMAM 2021, ISBN: 978-3-941554-24-5, p.70, 09-10 September 2021, Rostock, Germany.

Safarov, J., Müller, K. Thermophysical Properties of Ethanol and Gasoline Fuel Blends at High Pressures and Over a Wide Range of Temperatures, 10th Rosto­cker International Conference: “Thermophysical Properties for Technical Thermodynamics”, THERMAM 2021, ISBN: 978-3-941554-24-5, p.18, 09-10 September 2021, Rostock, Germany.

Müller, K. Thermodynamic properties of carrier materials for hydrogen, 10th Rosto­cker International Conference: “Thermophysical Properties for Technical Thermodynamics”, THERMAM 2021, ISBN: 978-3-941554-24-5, p.105, 09-10 September 2021, Rostock, Germany.

Aliyev, A., Safarov, J., Müller, K. Density of1-propyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate at high pressure and over wide range of temperatures,23rd Congress on Thermal Science and Technology (ULIBTK 2021), 08-10-September 2021, p.10, Gaziantep, Turkey,

Guluzade, A., Safarov, J. Excess and apparent molar properties of 1-butyl-3-methylimida­zolium trifluoromethanesulfonate and methanol binary mixtures, 23rd Congress on Thermal Science and Technology (ULIBTK 2021), 08-10-September 2021, p.8-9, Gaziantep, Turkey,

Guluzade, A., Safarov, J. Density of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate and methanol binary mixtures, International Conference: Thermoenergy and thermophysical properties of substances, 27-28 August 2021, p. 68, Dushanbe, Tajikistan.

Safarov, J. Carbon dioxide solubility in ionic liquids, The International Symposium on Solubility Phenomena and Related  Equilibrium Processes (ISSP19), 12-16 July 2021, p.89, Los Alamos, USA,

Aliyev, A., Safarov, J., Tuma, D. Carbon dioxide solubility in 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate, 31st European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, 4–7 July 2021, p. 88, Paris, France,

Safarov, J. Thermophysical Properties of Alcohols and Diesel fuel blends, I Scientific and Practical Seminar "Experimental Methods of Reservoir Systems Research: Problems and Solutions", 01-02 July, p.103, LLC «Gazprom VNIIGAZ», Moscow, Russian Federation,

Safarov, J., Müller, K. Thermophysical properties of OMEx synthetic fuels, XXI International Symposium of Thermophysical Properties, 20-25 June 2021, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.

Guluzade, A., Safarov, J. Density of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoro­methanesulfonate and methanol binary mixtures, XXI International Symposium of Thermophysical Properties, 20-25 June 2021, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.

Aliyev, A., Safarov, J., Müller, K. Density of1-pentyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate at high pressure and over a wide range of temperatures, 6th Iberoamerican Meeting on Ionic Liquids IMIL2021, 24-26 May 2021, p.76, Santiago de Chile, Chile,

Guluzade, A., Safarov, J. Excess and apparent molar properties of 1-ethyl-3-methylimi­dazo­lium trifluoro­methanesulfonate and methanol binary mixtures, XIV International Conference: “Actual Problems of Chemistry”, 25-26 May 2021, Baku, Azerbaijan.



Publications (in peer reviewed journals)

Maria E. Konnova, Shao Li, Andreas Bösmann, Karsten Müller, Peter Wasserscheid, Irina V. Andreeva, Vladimir Turovtsev, Dzmitry Zaitsau, Aleksey A. Pimerzin, Sergey Verevkin, „Thermochemical properties and dehydrogenation thermodynamics of indole derivates“, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59, 46, 20539–20550,

Karsten Müller, Rabya Aslam, André Fikrt, Christoph Krieger, Wolfgang Arlt, „Water removal from LOHC systems“, Hydrogen, 2020,

Florian Reichelt, Karsten Müller, „Assessment of the Reliability of Vanadium-Redox-Flow-Batteries”, Engineering Reports, 2020, 2, 10, e12254,

Najar, I., Stengel, B., Buchholz, B., and Hassel, E., "Review of 1D Spray Tip Penetration Models and Fuel Properties Influence on Spray Penetration," SAE Int. J. Engines 13(4):2020,

Safarov, J., Suleymanli, Kh., Aliyev, A., Yeadon, D.J., Jaquemin, J., Bashirov, M., Hassel, E. (p,ρ,T) data of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate,The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 2020, 141, 105954.

Chatzitakis, P., Safarov, J., Opferkuch, F., Dawood, B., Hassel, E. Vapor Pressures and Activity Coefficients of 2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol in Binary Mixtures with 1,3-dimethyl-2-imidazolidinone and 2-pyrrolidone, Journal of Molecular Liquids 2020, 305, 112828.

Safarov, J., Guluzade, A., Hassel, E.Carbon dioxide solubility in 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazo­lium trifluoromethanesulfonate or 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate ionic liquids, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 2020, 65, 3, 1060-1067.

Safarov, J., Bussemer, Ch., Aliyev, A., Ivaniš, G.,Kijevcanin, M.,Radović, I.,Hassel, E., Abdulagatov, I. High – temperature and high-pressure (p,ρ,T) measurements and derived thermodynamic properties of 1-octyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society 2020, 85 (2), 237–250.

Lowe, A.R., Jasiok, B., Melent’ev, V.V., Ryshkova, O.S., Korotkovskii, V.I., Radchenko, A.K., Postnikov, E.B., Spinner, M., Ashurova, U., Safarov, J., Hassel, E., Chorążewski, M. High-Temperature and High-Pressure Thermophysical Property Measurements and Thermodynamic Modelling of an International Oil Standard: RAVENOL Diesel Rail Injector Calibration Fluid, Fuel Processing Technology 2020, 199, 106220.


Conference Contributions

Dottei, A., Hassel, E., Püschel, M., Reißig, M., Sturm, M., „eta-up – Numerical and experimental temperature field analysis of a marine diesel engine piston“, 6. Rostocker Großmotorentagung RGMT, 03. – 04. September 2020.

Prause, J.H., Wittenburg, R., Holtz, D., Gierow, C., Hassel, E. Einsatzplanung eines Gas- und Dampfturbinenkraftwerkes mittels instationärem Prozessmodell, Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium, Dresden 2020

Guluzade, A., Safarov, J., Bashirov, R., Hassel, E. Ionic Liquids and alcohol solutions as working fluids in energy systems, 3d International Conference: “Modern Problems of Thermophysics and Energy”, 19-23 October 2020, p.399-400, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Guluzade, A., Safarov, J., Bashirov, R., Hassel, E. Thermophysical Properties of ionic li­quids with [TFO] anions, 9th Rosto­cker International Conference: “Thermophysical Properties for Technical Thermodynamics”, THERMAM 2020, ISBN: 978-3-941554-23-8, p.77, 15 October 2020, Rostock, Germany.

Ashurova, U., Safarov, J. Thermophysical properties of alcohols and Diesel fuel blends, 9th Rosto­cker International Conference: “Thermophysical Properties for Technical Thermodynamics”, THERMAM 2020, ISBN: 978-3-941554-23-8, p.67, 15 October 2020, Rostock, Germany.

Abdullayeva, G., Suleymanli, Kh., Aliyev, A., Safarov, J., Talibov, M., Bashirov, M., Bashirov, R. Thermophysical properties of ionic liquids, 9th Rosto­cker International Conference: “Thermophysical Properties for Technical Thermodynamics”, THERMAM 2020, ISBN: 978-3-941554-23-8, p.52, 15 October 2020, Rostock, Germany.

Safarov, J. Developing and setup of constant volume piezometer up to 4000 bar, 9th Rosto­cker International Conference: “Thermophysical Properties for Technical Thermodynamics”, THERMAM 2020, ISBN: 978-3-941554-23-8, p.41, 15 October 2020, Rostock, Germany.

Safarov, J., Hassel, E., Müller, K. Thermophysical properties of OMEx mixtures, International Conference on Advanced Materials Science & Engineering and High Tech Device Applications, p.190, 02-04 October, 2020, Ankara, Turkey.

Ashurova, U., Safarov, J. Thermophysical properties of 1-Propanol and Diesel fuel blends, III International Scientific-Practical Conference: Studies of Petroleum Reservoir Systems: Challenges & Prospects, 23–24 September 2020, LLC «Gazprom VNIIGAZ», p.103, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Safarov, J., Schümann, U., Stengel, B., Buchholz, B., Hassel, E. Thermophysical Properties of OMEx Fuel Blends, WebConference des NA 062-06-32-06 AK „Anforderungen an Polyoxymethylendimethylether (OME)“ (DIN 51699), 26. Mai 2020, Augusburg, Germany.