Award for best lectures 2023
University of Rostock
The Gesellschaft der Förderer der Universität Rostock e.V. has awarded the Prof. Karsten Müller, head of the Institute of Technical Thermodynamics, the award for best teaching. He received the award for his courses Technical Thermodynamics 1 and 2, Energy Technology, Regenerative Energy Technology, Multi-Material Thermodynamics, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology as well as Heat and Mass Transfer. In these courses, Prof. Müller succeeds in conveying complex and difficult content to students with didactic excellence.
WATT-Studienpreis 2022
Thermodynamik Kolloquium, Technische Universität Chemnitz
The Wissenschaftliche Arbeitskreis Technische Thermodynamik awards Rasmus Pötke the WATT Study Prize 2022 for his excellent Master's thesis entitled "Development of a latent thermal energy storage model in Modelica for the low temperature range", which he wrote at the Institute of Technical Thermodynamics. The award was presented by Prof. Dr. Burak Atakan at the Thermodynamics Colloquium in Chemnitz.
Winner at the competition "inspired - Der Ideenwettbewerb. In MV." 2022
Center for Entrepreneurship
The most innovative business ideas of 2022 in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern were honored as part of the state-wide "inspired" ideas competition. Researchers from the Institute of Technical Thermodynamics took first place. With their business idea Theta Concepts, Dr. Dorian Holtz, Conrad Gierow and Raphael Wittenburg are solving central challenges of the energy transition in the heating sector. The award was presented by Dr. Andreas Crimmann, head of the state's labour market policy department at the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Health of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
1. prize at the MINTchallenge 2020
Club MINT - Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V.
Students of the institute, Alex Liebau, Jonas Nehlsen and Finn Börje Wesemeyer, have won first place in the "MINTdigital - The best way to study by far" competition with their video project "Thermodynamik – endlich verständlich!" (German for "Thermodynamics - finally understandable!"). In the project, the students create and publish educational videos on the subject of technical thermodynamics, providing valuable support for teaching in this subject area. The jury was impressed by the innovative and creative format as well as the peer-learning approach of the student project.
A complete list of all awards and honors give to the institute and its members (including older awards) can be found on the German version of this webpage: